Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hoodia Gordonii Helps You Hunt and Lose Weight!

What if you had to travel 500 miles to get to the nearest grocery store and you had nothing to eat on the way? This problem has faced the ancient San Tribe of Southern Africa, one of the world’s most primitive tribes, for thousands of years. They often had to travel hundreds of miles through the desert in search of game and had little or nothing to eat or drink along the way. How did they do it?

Simple - the miracle plant known as Hoodia Gordonii. These ancient people have utilized this plant for thousands of years to stave off hunger and thirst. Hoodia Gordonii literally keeps you from feeling hungry. In addition, the plant also provides unheard of amounts of energy, literally giving you the ability to go on a 500 mile hunt without eating, or drinking, and still have the strength to go after big game.

The Kalahari Desert, where you will find both Hoodia Gordonii and the San Tribe is an inhospitable place where burning temperatures and lack of food and water quickly take their toll. Tribes often have to endure days without food and water. This would be humanly impossible without the use of Hoodia Gordonii. The lore of the San Tribe is that this plant allows them to hunt all day and make love all night, noting it’s aphrodisiac qualities.

While the majority of us are not faced with the hardships that the San Tribe has had to endure for generations, we can still benefit from their age-old wisdom. We may not need to abstain from food and water for days at a time, but with the current epidemic of obesity sweeping the Western world, Hoodia Gordonii may be the cure-all that has been so desperately sought after.


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Simon Kirby

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